One woman’s awakening, and the power of prose
Novelist Louise Babirak exposes two of the biggest venues for child trafficking in the U.S. – can you guess where they are? (The answer is below. Guarantee you’ll be shocked.)
Two years ago, after giving a talk at northern Virginia library, I was approached by a woman with tears in her eyes. Louise Babirak told ASCENT’s director David Hazard, “I heard a sermon at church and now I can hardly sleep I’m so upset by it. Children are being trafficked, not only all around the world but right here in upscale northern Virginia….”
Louise was mentored in ASCENT’s Guided Writing Program to produce her powerful, eye- opening novel, “Shadow Children.” This page-turner is not an easy read, but it’s a need to read – a story of dark moments mixed with great hope. Louise worked hard to blend the urgent information we need about this crime against our children without dragging us through graphic horrors.
Today, she speaks to civic groups, helping communities know how to be alert for this crime in their neighborhoods. Thank you, Louise, for getting up out of the pew and working on this crucial issue.
(According to the FBI, the answer is: The parking lots at NASCAR races and at the Super Bowl and other NFL games are two of the most popular venues where men buy the services of underage girls and women buy the services of underage boys – kids as young as 6 and 7. Yes, you read that right. Are you outraged yet?)
Check out and buy Shadow Children.
Visit Louise Babirak on the web.